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In spite of their experiences, no nation has ever treated the exhibition of bare force with more contempt than the Jews.
Again and again, we witnessed the success of force and material might, again and again we proclaimed: “Not by might but by My Spirit, saith the Lord”.
How is such an attitude to be explained? How can it be so obstinately maintained in the face of innumerable facts that seem to stultify it?
Do we Jews not know this world? Do we not know human nature? Do we not know life? Have we not witnessed the course of human history long enough? Have we not seen force march from triumph to triumph, trample upon the creations of the Spirit, ruthlessly destroy moral standards of living, and break everything that in the name of justice or right or truth stood in its way?
Have we not learned yet that the only thing that is able to humiliate force is more force? Do we really walk about the world with our eyes shut to the facts? Or do we perhaps cling so obdurately to this unreasonable belief of ours in the Spirit because we are so utterly powerless that there is nothing more left for us but this comfort of the weak, this hope of despair?
Table of contents
Rabbi Eliezer Berkovits
Chapter I. Between Yesterday and Tomorrow
Chapter II. A New World in the Making?
Chapter III. The Breath of His Lips
Chapter IV. Jews and Judaism
Conclusion. Common Responsability
Index of Sources

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