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PRAYER           תְּפִלָּה
by Rabbi Eliezer Berkovits

Prayer, by Eliezer Berkovits

Grounded in Halakhic and philosophic sources, this book formulates a set of assumptions that paves the way for strong religious affirmations. It is our fervent hope that it may serve to revitalize Mitzvat Tefillah  which is one of the underlying pillars upon which Judaism rests.


Forword: What is Jewish Prayer?By Rav Adin Steinsaltz
Rabbi Eliezer Berkovits
First Editor's Introduction
Chapter I. How is Prayer Possible?
Chapter II. Prayer and the Needs of Man
Chapter III. Spontaneous Prayer
Chapter IV. The Art of Praying
Chapter V. Individual and Community in Prayer
Chapter VI. Kavvanah
Chapter VII. Influencing GOD?
Chapter VIII. Is Prayer Answered?
Epilogue: The Prayer of the Martyrs

Extracts from the book

What is Jewish prayer? 
Is prayer answered? 
And what is Kavvanah?
OD being Unchangeable, how can we imagine a change in the DIVINE WILL as a result of prayer?
Will not the continuous repetition of the same text become monotonous and stifle the thoughts and emotions of the person who tries to express himself through them in prayer?
Religion without prayer is like music without melody, like dark clouds over the sun-parched earth yielding no rain...
Prayer, by Eliezer Berkovits
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